The oyster, a humble sea creature, will make any part of your body look unique and beautiful. This tattoo could act as a remembrance of your childhood if you liked crabbing for oysters as a kid.
The drawing of an oyster looks different from the rest as it has both an open and closed tattoo design with a precious pearl inside.
Drawing an oyster tattoo has several symbolic meanings which you can use to depict your character as a woman. It can signify your strength and resilience because the oyster is soft inside but has a tough cover that sees it overcome challenges. So, you can draw this tattoo as a mark of the trials you’ve overcome and depict your braveness in facing tough times.
The oyster tattoo is also an ideal choice for women as it signifies wonder and secrecy, which is a trait of most women. Remember when an oyster is in the shell, you can’t see what’s inside or going on there. This means opting for an oyster tattoo will show how you are a wonderful being. It will also be a sign of how discrete you can be and a reason why your friends should trust you.
You should look for the right artist to draw the oyster tattoo to perfection and have it last longer. This is because the oyster tattoos are versatile and not limiting. You can settle for a closed or open oyster with colors or without colors. You can also draw one with pearl and simple lines.
This tattoo also has a religious meaning in Greek and roman as they view it as a sea goddess. So, if you value such religion, you can have it.