When it comes to building a new home or simply upping the curb appeal of a historic house, deciding which exterior cladding to go with can cause a lot of confusion. Not to worry, I will discuss the pros and cons of stucco vs. siding with you today.
Whether you're looking for home decor and design, or DIY, you'll find ideas and projects for all of the space in your home and more. From kitchens to living rooms, bedrooms and beyond, explore the latest trends in home improvement and décor. Turn your house into a cozy, comfortable haven away from the rest of the world.
The modern homeowner wants an equally modern kitchen. People today are looking for that kitchen that can help them show off their willingness to experiment with different ideas.
Read More HereWhen it comes to building a new home or simply upping the curb appeal of a historic house, deciding which exterior cladding to go with can cause a lot of confusion. Not to worry, I will discuss the pros and cons of stucco vs. siding with you today.
There are so many people out there who claim the shiplap trend will die, go out of style, etc. They are wrong. Shiplap has been around forever, and it’s not a trend; it’s simply seeing a revival period.
Can you build a multi-million dollar home for half or less? We thought so, and it turns out we were right. Sweat equity, bargain hunting, and being our own general contractor saved us big time. Near $600,000 in construction material savings alone.
There’s an endless number of choices to make when it comes to building a new custom home. Say the line with me… “Ah! If only I would have thought of that…”
You don’t have to be into $200 yoga pants or have the faintest idea what an Ashtanga Sun Salutation, a “downward dog”, or a “reverse warrior” is in order for you to appreciate and use scented candles.
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