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Top 250 Plants Poisonous To Alpacas – Toxic Trees, Shrubs, And Plants

Top 250 Plants Poisonous To Alpacas – Toxic Trees, Shrubs, And Plants

While no one can claim they’ve put together a truly complete alpaca poisonous plant guide, we can at least try to. If you’re like us and you want to do everything in your power to protect your fluffy camelids, then chances are you’ll find this list extremely helpful.

We’ve collected the top 250 plants that are poisonous to alpacas, and have sorted them alphabetically to make referring to individual plant names quick and easy.

While we’re confident in our selections, you should still always consult your veterinarian first when it comes to any poisonous plant in question.

These plants below can cause everything from simple skin rashes to more serve reactions such as kidney damage, and even death. Take for instance the Buckeyes (Aesculus spp.), a plant common to Ohio. It’s been said that ingesting these native woodland trees can cause depression, twitching, incoordination, paralysis, vomiting and so on.

While these symptoms all sound rather alarming, certain plants can have even dire effects on alpacas. One example that comes to mind is Wild Cherry, (Prunus spp.). As a result of cyanide poising, livestock can pass from internal asphyxiation in under an hour.

Okay, one more bizarre plant… Did you know that the Dieffenbachia plant has calcium oxalate crystals (raphides) that are sharp, needle points? These can get caught in the mouth and throat, causing swelling and blockage of the airway. While rare, it’s interesting to note that poisonous plants can be deadly before they are even fully swallowed.

Be wise and be careful!


Some “poisonous” plants can just be simple nuisances:

On a lighter note, there are a lot of plants out there that are technically poisonous, but they come with some “conditions” attached. This means that when certain plants are eaten in moderation, alpacas will fare just fine. It is only when one particular plant is eaten in excess, do the negative symptoms appear. Some plants can be considered poisonous even if it would require a significant, sometimes not even practical, consumption of a single plant.

Some plants are deemed “poisonous”, which sounds like a scary word, but in reality they are simply annoying nuisances that cause very minor problems and herd maintenance hassles.

Another thing to consider is that some plants are deemed poisonous to alpacas, solely because they are poisonous to other livestock such as cattle or horses. These are assumptions, which means sometimes they are correct and other times, incorrect. What may affect one animal species, may not affect another species. The age of your alpaca (cria or elder), can have a large impact on the toxicity level of plants as well. Some poisonous plants can appear non-toxic, but cause pregnant alpacas to have an abortion.

Also consider that some plants are deemed safe for alpacas, until they reach maturity or seed.

Now, there are a lot of plant myths out there, so please do yourself a favor and do an extensive amount of research. I could sit here all day, writing to you about each plant, but I feel it’s best for you to actively look into each individual plant.

Get to know your pasture and the native plant species in it; ask your neighbors about their experiences.

Do your homework, and your alpacas will be around for a long time!


Plants poisonous to alpacas:

Plants Poisonous To Alpacas Toxic Trees Brushes

1. Belladonna

Belladonna, also known as Deadly Nightshade, is an incredibly beautiful yet incredibly dangerous plant. Its scientific name is Atropa Belladonna and it belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that can reach heights of up to four feet, with dark purple or black berries and large, oval-shaped leaves. The plant is native to Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, and has also been found in parts of the United States.

The name Belladonna is derived from the Italian phrase “bella donna” which literally translates to “beautiful woman”. This name was given to the plant due to its attractive and delicate appearance. But behind its beauty lies a deadly secret: Belladonna is one of the most poisonous plants in the world.

Belladonna has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, as well as for its toxic properties. In ancient times, it was used as an anesthetic for surgery and for its sedative effects. It was also believed to be a cure for various ailments, such as headaches, toothaches, and fever. In some cases, it was even used as a poison for political assassinations.

Belladonna contains several toxic compounds, including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine. Atropine is the most abundant of these compounds and is the primary toxic compound in the plant. It acts as a parasympathomimetic drug, meaning that it mimics the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system. Even in humans this can cause a range of symptoms, including dilated pupils, increased heart rate, dry mouth, and confusion. In high doses, it can even cause death.

2. Aconite

Aconite is a member of the buttercup family and is also known as wolfsbane or monkshood. The plant is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. It’s a perennial herb with a height ranging from 30 to 65 centimeters. The plant is characterized by its dark green leaves, which are divided into two or three lobes. The leaves are arranged in a rosette or basal cluster. It produces a single flower, which is blue or purple in color. The stem of the plant is topped with a hood-like structure that gives it its common name, monkshood.

Aconite contains several alkaloids, including aconite alkaloids, which are considerably toxic.

3. Acorns

Acorns are a type of fruit produced by oak trees. They are typically found growing on the ground beneath the tree and are composed of a hard outer shell and a softer inner nut. The outer shell is often referred to as the “cap” and is typically brown in color. Inside the cap is a single nut, which is also typically brown but lighter in color.

Acorns contain tannins, which are naturally occurring chemicals that can be toxic to these animals if ingested in large enough quantities. Tannins are found in a variety of plants, and they can be particularly concentrated in acorns. When ingested, tannins can cause a variety of health issues in alpacas, including vomiting, diarrhea, and even death.

4. African Rue

African Rue is a plant native to the Middle East and parts of Africa. It is a small, shrub-like plant that can reach up to three feet in height. The plant has light green, fern-like foliage and small, white flowers. African Rue is toxic to alpacas due to its high concentrations of alkaloids. The plant contains several toxic alkaloids, including harmaline, harmine and harman.

When an alpaca consumes African Rue, the alkaloids bind to the receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. This causes a variety of problems including the inhibition of digestion, absorption and the transfer of nutrients. The alkaloids can also cause damage to the liver, which can lead to liver failure and death.

5. Agave Lechuguilla
6. Amaryllis
7. Arrow Grass
8. Autumn Crocus
9. Avocado
10. Azalea
11. Bagpod
12. Baneberry
13. Barberry
14. Beargrass
15. Begonia, Sand
16. Belladonna
17. Bellyache-Bush
18. Big Sagebrush,
19. Bird Of Paradise
20. Bittersweet
21. Bitterweed
22. Black Laurel
23. Black Nightshade Berry
24. Black Snakeroot
25. Black Walnut
26. Bladder Pod
27. Bleeding Heart
28. Blister Beetles
29. Bloodroot
30. Blue Cohosh
31. Blue Flag
32. Box (Blue-Green Algae)
33. Boxwood
34. Bracken Fern
35. Broccoli
36. Broom Corn
37. Broom Snakeweed
38. Brussel Sprouts
39. Buckeyes
40. Buckwheat
41. Buffalo Burr
42. Burroweed
43. Bursage, White Ragweed
44. Buttercups
45. Butterfly Weed
46. Cabbage
47. Calamondin Orange Tree
48. Calla Lily
49. Camas Lily
50. Carnation
51. Castor Bean
52. Catclaw
53. Celandine
54. Cheatgrass
55. Cherry
56. Chinaberry
57. Chokecherry
58. Christmas Cherry
59. Christmas Rose
60. Cocklebur
61. Coffeeweed
62. Corn Lily
63. Cowbane
64. Cowslip
65. Cress
66. Crocus
67. Crotalaria
68. Crowfoot
69. Crown Of Thorns
70. Crow Poison
71. Crucifers
72. Curlycup Gumweed.
73. Cyclamen
74. Daffodil
75. Daisy
76. Daphne
77. Deadly Nightshade
78. Deathcamas
79. Devils Ivy
80. Devils Weed
81. Diffenbachia
82. Dock Oak Brush (Shrub)
83. Dogbane (Oak Tree, Dogtooth Lilly Oleander)
84. Doll’s Eyes
85. Drymary
86. Dumb Cane
87. Easter Lillies
88. Eggplant
89. Elderberry
90. Elephant Ears
91. English Holly
92. English Ivy
93. Eucalyptus
94. Eyebane
95. False Hellebore, Corn Lily
96. Fiddleneck
97. Firecracker
98. Fly Poison, Stagger Grass,
99. Foxglove
100. Foxtails
101. Geranium
102. Gingko Tree
103. Golden Chain Tree
104. Greasewood
105. Groundsel
106. Gumweed
107. Halogeton Glomeratus
108. Hemlock
109. Hemp
110. Henbane
111. Hollyberry
112. Horsebrush
113. Horsechestnut
114. Horsenettle
115. Hyacinth
116. Hydrangea Blossom
117. Indian Hemp
118. Indian Poke
119. Inkberry
120. Inkweed, Drymar
121. Iris
122. Ivybush
123. Jack-In-The-Pulpit
124. Jequirity Bean
125. Jerusalem Cherry
126. Jimsonweed (Thornapple)
127. Johnson Grass
128. Jonquil
129. Juniper
130. Kale
131. Klamath Weed
132. Labrador Tea
133. Laburnum
134. Lantana
135. Larkspurs
136. Laurel
137. Leopard Bane
138. Lillies (Easterlily, Hyacinth,Tulip, Camass Lily)
139. Lily Of The Valley
140. Lima Beans
141. Lobelia
142. Locoweed
143. Lupine
144. Manchineel
145. Mandrake (Mayapple)
146. Maple – Red
147. Marijuana
148. Mayapple
149. Mescal Bean
150. Mesquite
151. Milkweed
152. Mistletoe
153. Monensin
154. Monkshood (Buttercup)
155. Morning Glory
156. Mountain Laurel
157. Mountain Mahogany
158. Mushrooms
159. Mustards (Crucifers, Cress)
160. Mycotoxins (Molds)
161. Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil)
162. Needlepoint Ivy
163. Nightshade (Black Berry)
164. Oak Brush
165. Oak Tree (Acorns, Young Leaf Buds)
166. Oleander
167. Onions
168. Orange Sneezeweed
169. Oxalis
170. Pacific Poison Oak
171. Pasque Flower
172. Philodendron
173. Pin Cherry
174. Podocarpus
175. Poinciana
176. Poinsettia
177. Poision Hemlock
178. Poison Ivy
179. Poison Oak
180. Poison Suckleys
181. Poison Sumac
182. Pokeweed
183. Poppy
184. Potato Plant
185. Pothos
186. Prince’s Plume
187. Privet
188. Pyrocantha
189. Ragwort
190. Rattleweed
191. Rayless Goldenrod
192. Rhododendron
193. Rhubarb
194. Rock Poppy
195. Rubberweed
196. Russian Thistle
197. Rusty-Leaf
198. Rye Grass
199. Sand Begonia
200. Sandberg Bluegrass
201. Sandcorn
202. Senecio
203. Sesbania
204. Silverling
205. Skunk Cabbage
206. Snakeberry
207. Sneezeweed
208. Snow-On-The-Mountain
209. Sorghum
210. Spathe Flower
211. Spindle Tree
212. Spurges
213. St. Johnswort (Klamath Weed)
214. Stagger Grass
215. Star Lily
216. Star Of Bethlehem
217. Stinging Nettles String Of Pearls
218. String Of Pearls
219. Tansy Ragwort
220. Thornapple
221. Tobacco Tree (Tobaccoection)
222. Tomato Leaves
223. Trumpet Vine
224. Tulip
225. Urea
226. Velvet Grass
227. Vetch
228. Violet Seeds
229. Walnut
230. Water Hemlock
231. Western Wheatgrass
232. White Cohosh
233. White Hellebore
234. White Ragweed
235. White Snakeroot
236. Wild Black Cherry
237. Wild Carrots
238. Wild Cherry
239. Wild Cucumber
240. Wild Parsnip
241. Wild Peas
242. Wild Plums (Pin Cherry)
243. Wisteria
244. Wolfsbane
245. Yellow Flag
246. Yellow Jasmine
247. Yew Tree

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