The color and shape of the balloon animals can sometimes have hidden meanings as well.
Before the discovery of rubber, balloons were made from animal intestines and bladders. Different animals provide different diameters. They were usually filled with water as the entrails expand better with water than air.
It is said that the Aztecs made the first balloon animals. They used cat bowels. These balloon animals were used for sacrifices. If there were not any cats available, human sacrifices occurred to make the balloons.
In the 19th century, a book called Swiss Family Robinson referenced a boy asking his father to use the entrails of a whale to make a balloon. In fact, European jesters would use the entrails of the animal they just butchered as entertainment. They would use the stomach, intestines, and bladder to transform into different shapes.
Nowadays, latex is used to make balloons. This makes the process of making balloon animals less disgusting. In fact, balloon animals have been used to make art installations.
The most popular balloon animal is the dog. Dogs are considered to be man’s (and woman’s) best friend. They are known to be loyal and dedicated to their owners. Therefore, the tattoo, although playful in nature, is a symbol for the traits of loyalty and dedication.
The balloon animal tattoo is a reminder of childhood, which can cause the tattoo to give off a sentimental feeling to its owner. It can act as a reminder to live in the moment and enjoy life with childlike wonderment.