If you are Chinese yourself, the tattoo can help you connect to this culture.
You may not live in China, but the culture is still a part of you. It’s a part of your identity. Family, tradition, and your heritage are things that matter a lot to you, and you plan to pass these values down to your children when the time is right.
You do not have to be Chinese in order to appreciate the culture. Many people of all ethnicities and races get Chinese tattoos.
You may just have an appreciation for all different countries and societies. You are probably open-minded in general. You are accepting of different people and lifestyles, even if it doesn’t necessarily make sense to you.
China is known for deep spirituality and wisdom, and you are someone who tries to look at the world beyond the surface level. The universe is a mystery, but you want to learn as much as you can.
You may look for help from ancient Chinese philosophers, such as Confucius.You probably expand your studies to include other philosophers from Japan, Greece, and Rome as well.
Before you get Chinese tattoos, it’s extremely important to verify exactly what you are getting permanently inked on your body. If you don’t speak Chinese, you need to talk to someone who does before you get the word “bench” tattooed on you for life.
It may look cool to you, but you’ll be a joke to anyone who can understand it. Always get a second opinion to truly verify the meaning.
Take a look below and explore beautiful classic lettering and words alongside artistic logographs and characters.