One area where you can have fun is with a series of piercings along your ear. Start with a large piercing at one end and then draw up lots of additional studs to the very edge of your ears. This one is elegant and yet delicate at the same time.
To take this idea to another direction, you can put in lots of holes in your ears in unexpected places. Have one at top. This is known as the helix. Put in a star right here in a large diamond. Then you can pierce the cartilage in the ears in an area that is known as the rook.
This is another good area where you can get bold with a large star or a round circle. Fill in the area in between with a series of tiny stars and circles. It’s going to light up your night.
Have a grouping of piercings along the top of your lip. This part of the face lets you show off how much you value lots of subtly in your look all year long. Then you can add in additional drama with a piecing that is known as a Monroe. This one means putting in stud that’s near the side of your lip.
It’s named after famous beauty Marilyn Monroe. She knew quite a thing about beauty in her day. You can take lessons from her and add in a few studs that make your mouth light up with color.
The world of constellation piercings let you bring in endless opportunities for intense creativity. You can seize the day and walk away with your own interpretation.