A cool, small tattoo is a quick wink.
A small initial behind your ear to remind you of the voice of someone you loved and lost.
A cool coin on your ankle to remind you of dancing on a Greek island when you were carefree and living to loudly to hear anything but your own heart beating inside your chest (and the chest of your dancing partner).
A tiny arrow on the side of your foot pointed away from your body, toward your toes, as if to say “I am moving forward. This is the way. It is the only way for me. Never go back.”
A cool, small tattoo of a geometric shape that you get anywhere you want on your body just because you like it! One day you went out for coffee and decided to do something impulsive, so you sipped it and slipped into a shop to ask who was free to ink a tiny triangle or circle or square on your hip — just because.
Just as tattoos can have whatever meaning we ascribe to them, tattoos do not have to be any particular size to encapsulate meaning. Your mark on your body is just like your mark on the world, and it doesn’t have to be big to be impactful.
Often, the smallest details, the littlest things no one really notices, are the most striking of all.