Although the shape may change, the shade is a fantastic way to express your fortitude and your complex, ultra-womanly personality.
This rich, deep color signifies your inner strength and the innate power that infuses every cell of your body.
With each movement of your hand, you let the world know that you are a force to be reckoned with — that your very being is infused with the spirit of boldness and bravery that has shaped generations of world-changing women before you.
Deep red nails tell everyone you meet that you are ready to tackle your life headlong, focused on the things you want and stopping at nothing until you get there. This is the color of world-changing, paradigm-shifting women.
At the same time, the rich color is impossibly feminine and gorgeous. Deep and mysterious, this shade gives a wink to the femme fatale that lies within.
It offers a come-hither effect, beguiling friends and strangers alike and piquing curiosity about the woman who dares to choose such a thrilling, unapologetic color.
Whether you feel it in your heart or you need an extra boost of confidence when it matters most, a rich red is the perfect choice.
There’s a reason that coals burn a deep, arresting red — this shade signifies your burning ambition and your vibrant, unrelenting desire to experience everything the world has to offer.
Throughout history, this has been a shade that strikes a chord deep in the soul. It encompasses all of the best and most exciting emotions from joy to love and anger, as well as everything in between.
Embrace your passion and shed passivity; these nails will help show you the way.