In Eastern cultures in China, Vietnam and Japan, the dragon is a symbol of wisdom, fertility, good fortune and rebirth.
The dragon in these regions has also been a symbol of water, which is essential to human life. In Vietnam and Korea, dragons are known for bringing water, rainfall and clouds and symbolize re-birth and new life.
In the West, namely in Europe, dragons were seen guarding castles, living in moats and acting as protectors of all things sacred.
They were often tasked with protecting or saving princesses or other damsels in distress, and were largely regarded as fire-breathing, forked tongued beasts. In European folklore, dragons were symbols of wickedness, evil and malevolence.
The dragon tattoo often represents women’s dichotomy. Fierce warriors who go to battle with the world daily, fighting to protect all that is sacred and precious in their lives, much like the European dragons of lore.
At the same time, the dragon tattoo for women represents her vitality, wisdom and nurturing. She, who is the giver of life and the giver of rain.
She who embraces both her strong and vulnerable side. The dragon tattoo is often depicted with wings, crowns and horns, representing all that is powerful and dominant in her world.
Dragon tattoos often cover a large area of the body, as their presence is often not associated with the diminutive. They are commanding and fierce protectors, and as such, the tattoos are often prominently placed on the woman’s body.
Dragon design idea inspiration:
Most popular types: – Standard Western Dragon
– Lindwurm
– Salamander
– Fae
– Sea serpent
– Oriental Dragon
– Dragonnet
– Wyvern
– Quetzalcoatl
– Cockatrice
– African Dragon
– Hydra
– Wyrm
– Amphithere
– Knucker
– Drake
– Kirin
Inspiration from popular films: – Sleeping Beauty
– Mulan
– The Pagemaster
– The NeverEnding Story
– Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
– Raya and the Last Dragon
– The Hobbit
– Spirited Away
– Dragonslayer
– Game Of Thrones
– Pete’s Dragon
– Godzilla
– How To Train Your Dragon
Placing a large dragon tattoo on the body can be a symbol of power and fierceness. The upper leg and thigh area of the body is a nice way to consider adding this regal beast to your tattoo collection. This dragon can protect you as well as showing your own power of protection for yourself.
Dragons aren’t always symbols of fierceness. They can also represent the fun elements if you choose a smaller size image and simply place them playfully along an inner wrist. Dragons can be cute and magical too. Simple black outlines alongside a watercolor effect are a nice choice for any woman.
Dragons are often depicted as fire breathers. This adds to the power of their character. They can be great protectors and used as symbolism for our personal lives. Placed on an arm, these tiny buy mighty fire breathing dragons are circling to keep you safe as soon as you decide to show them.
Dragons can be feminine too. Depicted with a long and curling blonde mane of hair, this pink beauty of a dragon is draped with flowers and seems to be an image of beauty and royalty almost. Dragon images can portray anything you want and be as unique as you are.
Did you know that a dragon without wings and with four legs is called a Drake? This particular Drake seems to represent strength and beauty with the use of the simple red outlined roses around its body. This size of tattoo is an easy placement for a back or an upper thigh as shown here.
This Dragon and Drake seem to be fighting something out, or are they just deep in conversation? Using contrasting colors and placement they almost seem to be two halves of one heart in their overall shape. This is also reminiscent of the balance of yin and yang. The upper back is a nice canvas for dragon tattoos.
A smaller dragon, or in this case a Drake specifically, can be coiled around your favorite garden flowers. Placed along the arm, this smaller dragon will show her power when you wear a short sleeved top or dress. The white highlights add just the right amount of detail to the image.
Though dragons originate in the East, we love the imagery here in the United States as well. This dragon tattoo has a fierce quality to it with its red eyes. The red of the eyes are reflected in the surrounding cherry blossoms around the dragon. The color palette of black and red are popular with dragon tattoos.
Dragons don’t have to be large to show their innate power. This little dragon is fierce in expression and stance of body. It seems to be flying through midair with the wind moving in one direction to create a look of movement. This small dragon will be easy to find a place for on your own body.
Purple dragons have a magical quality because of their color. Purple is a powerful color symbolizing royalty, strength and power. These are all qualities we relate to in dragons as well. Tattooed onto a shoulder, this dragon design idea will protect and remind you of your strength from day to day.
A female inspired full back piece tattoo is a lovely way to show off a dragon image. Since your back is the largest part of your body, having a dragon there shows your own strength and resilience. This dragon with red eyes and seemingly blood on its talons is nothing to mess with. A very strong look comes across this image while balancing out the ferocity with flowers.
Though we cannot see the entirety of this gorgeous dragon, we can gather than its length of body must trail down to just above or below the lower back and buttocks. This dragon is clearly no beast to mess with and displays its power beautifully in the lines and shading of the tattoo design. The shading across the body adds extra beauty to the image.
The center of a chest can be a great place for a dragon’s protection. Here we see a dragon in full frontal view taking us directly on. With its one foot raised in protection mode, we see this dragon is ready to combat anything coming its way. This is a very strong image to have in your most intimate places.
This is a beautifully colored dragon diamond piece. Placed on the upper leg, this can be worn with pride. Dragons are often depicted with clouds because of their relationship to the sky whether they have wings or not. The empty space within the design seems to represent the full moon.
These dragons’ wrist cuffs add a lot of color and beauty to your arms. I love how they wrap around the arm like a tattooed bracelet of protection. Using different colors on each arm adds a sweet balance of color without making them identical. These dragons also have abstract clouds swirling around them.
This little dragon is almost like a pet on her shoulder. Complete with fleshy looking real scratched beneath the dragons talons contribute to the realness of the image. The tail wraps all the way around the arm keeping the dragon safely balanced against your body in her tiny grip. The coloring of the dragon is playful and adds to the beauty of the tattoo design.
Extending a simple black line dragon tattoo from the lower side of the torso and onto the upper thigh has a very feminine look. This can be shown off during swimsuit season beautifully on your silhouette. This dragon seems to protect the model in some of her most vulnerable and intimate places.
Whether you are going for a temporary tattoo or a permanent one, dragon are a popular choice. Here we see a fun and playful but also fierce looking dragon temporarily tattooed onto an arm. The wings are rainbow colors and the crescent moon is an important part of the overall look.
This dragon stretches beautifully across the back in your strongest of places. You will not be seeing this image as much as your loved ones will so choose the most powerful image of a dragon that can be your protector as well. The shading on this dragon is lovely.
Often tattooed in vulnerable places on the body as a way to offer protection, dragons look great on torsos. This dragon might be small wrapped around this long stemmed rose, but he is mighty and ready to show his strength to onlookers. The thorns seem to have a lot of priority in the image adding to their protective qualities.
This is a gorgeous dragon and skull sleeve tattoo design for women. The quality of the inky blacks next to the bare skin make for a beautiful composition. If fierceness is what you want to convey in your dragon tattoo idea, this will definitely meet your expectations. This is definitely making a strong statement.
You could combine your dragon power with the calmness of a melancholy cat. Or is there a fierce dragon of a cat just waiting to be let out? Sometimes my cat goes mad in attack. That might be the role of the dragon in this tattoo. Framing the image of the dragon within the cat is a nice touch.
Dragons on a large part of your body are a lovely way to showcase these tattoos so that you don’t need to skimp on image size. This is a mysterious dragon looking fierce but also regal and strong. Using the long part of the upper leg is good placement for such a finely detailed dragon tattoo.
The watercolor looking technique in the background done in purple and pink hues adds to the effect of movement seen in the dragon. The image has a suggestion of magical power as the dragon has outstretched wings and seems to also be breathing purple fire. The upper back is a grand location for this strong image.
This woman’s dragon looks a bit devious and mischievous. What is going on inside that dragons mind? He is certainly not going to be outwitted. You can see that on his face. Placing him on your back keeps lurkers as he keeps your back safe.
The combination of dragon and flowers represents a beauty and softness alongside the strength and power of the dragon itself. Using the upper leg lends itself to more room for your incredible dragon tattoo image. There is no reason to go small when you want to show your power through a dragon.
The lack of color in the dragon in this tattoo design make me think the dragon is a mysterious creature from the past or not really there at all. It seems to make its ghostly appearance wrapping around a gorgeous pink flower in full color. The white highlights in the dragon face help portray the lovely details. An ankle is a nice place to wear a dragon.
Because of the great length of their bodies, dragon tattoo images are beautifully displayed when wrapped around body parts. Here we see a colorful and stylized dragon wrapped around the lower arm. This dragon seems to be offering protection for the wearer. The color palette is fun and playful.
This full back and full color women’s dragon tattoo are really cool. The bright red is a lovely shade to use across your back. The yellows and orange add to the fiery heat of this dragon protector. There are several kinds of dragons so make sure to choose your favorite.
If you have the patience for a piece like this, you will reap the rewards at the end. This gorgeous dragon tattoo take the entire leg for its canvas. Wrapping around the leg in protection, this is a very strong looking dragon ready to ward off evil. The use of reds and pinks makes for a striking palette against the black ink.
I love the way these sweet little dragons mirror each other between the forearms. They serve as a daily reminder to show your strength and don’t forget your own personal power. Choose a simple color palette to keep the focus on the image. Dragons in flight are a strong personal symbol.
The inky black of this gorgeous dragon are nicely juxtaposed with blank bare skin spaces of garden flowers. Tattooed on the upper leg, this tattoo is lacking nothing in the dragon’s stature and demeanor. This dragon looks less fierce but like a strong friend at your side.
This cool dragon entwines itself around the entire leg. Using a pretty and colorful palette makes the design playful in feel, but the strength comes from its size. Flowers are a sweet addition to dragon tattoos adding an element of gracefulness and softness in contrast to the dragon scales.
The upper leg is a very popular location to show off your fiercest dragon imagery. This dragon is certainly playing the role of fierce protector. He looks ready for combat at the slightest misstep. The line work is lovely and the gradual shading is a nice contrast to add realism to the beast.
This incredible girl’s body covering tattoo design seems to wrap around the entire body. It is hard to see where the image begins and ends so it must go all the way around. Using your entire body as a canvas seems to represent that you might feel all dragon or at least that a dragon is your spirit animal. The colorful palette is gorgeous.
This is a sweet and unique looking dragon design idea for women. It appears to be holding a basketball, possibly the favorite sport of the model. The horns on the head give the dragon an almost goat-like appearance. It seems to have some magical and mystical storybook qualities as well. A dragon image can really be as unique as you are.
Toothless is a favorite dragon amongst movie lovers of all kinds. He is cute, sweet and little yet also furious. He is the best friend of the character Hiccup. Toothless is a Night Fury dragon which means he has great strengths but he is also the best friend of a human showing he is all lovable too.
This girl’s dragon back piece tattoo looks heavily stylized in its design, possibly similar to something you might see in more ancient times. The heavy use of black in its body combined with red, green and yellow make it a very cool image overall. Once again we this dragon depicted with pretty flowers combining power with softness.
This is a fierce dragon to wear on your forearm. It will remind others not to mess with you and have respect for your own strength and power. The dragon done in inky black line work wraps itself around your arm in order to represent the protection you want from wearing it on your body.
Wearing a dragon design on your hip and upper leg are a very popular location. You can shroud them in clothing unless you want them to be seen. When you are wearing less clothing, they are there to protect your vulnerability in full eye of the beholder. Often worn as a symbol for strength, they represent a lot of things.