Mickey Mouse is the most iconic representation of Disney, the animation and cartoon studio enthralling children since 1928.
Women's Style and Fashion
There is a product, tool, and trend for everything related to style these days. Let us help you sort through the latest fashion and beauty trends for any occassion. From tattoos to nails designs, hairstyle ideas and beyond, explore the latest and greatest in female look inspiration.
The Definitive Guide To Women’s Hairstyle Ideas
Discover hundreds of popular female hairstyles from short to long, brunette to blonde and everything else in between. Explore every color and style imaginable.
Read More HereBreathe tattoos are a common modern design concept. It’s a wise phrase meant to provide each person something to fall back on when faced with uncomfortable obstacles in a world.
Wheat and corn symbolize the fruits of our country’s labor, and rolling fields of gold and gold are associated with American life.
Your ink may only go so deep as the skin, but there is always a deeper message beneath the surface.
Stained glass is the art most frequently used to depict religious and medieval themes. Stained glass was first used in ancient Egypt, according to records.
The beaver tattoo represents perseverance and talent, the capacity to get through challenging life situations and adapt to them.
Bells were historically used and rung as part of religious rituals and festivals. Still, with time their use grew, and they came to be employed as a common instrument and to mark significant events like the passing of a monarch.
Like its other counterpart, the butterfly, the vibrant caterpillar is well suited for a realistic and vividly colored tattoo design.
Bambi… What a sweet and meaningful little fawn! Like all others, he was full of curiosity and charm. Despite his spindly legs, bright eyes and playful nature, Bambi has been through a lot.
Caution! These tattoos hold a lot of meaning for a woman who is bold enough to wear them! The many ways to design a barbed wire tattoo have one thing in common, they represent the upmost bravery and resilience.
The ribbon bow tattoo is a great idea for a woman who want a more feminine appeal. The variety of placement options are a big plus as well.
Are you proud of your femininity? Do you want to shout for joy and celebrate women’s liberation from oppression?
“’Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: ‘we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’” The Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland is a force to be reckoned with.
Time to go to the rodeo! Country living isn’t just for the birds… or the boys. Cowgirls around the world are joining up and showing off their country side.
Okay ladies, time to let your creativity flow! Our bodies have a lot of space for artistic juices to flow.