Obviously, dogs are man’s (or woman’s) best friend. Our furry friends are there for us through thick and thin, and are often more like children than pets, quite honestly. From tiny teacup poodles to their more horse-like cousins, dogs are the number one companion of almost everybody.
They aren’t the only ones with paws, though! Almost all mammals have paws, and not everybody is a dog person. Some people’s children are cats, ferrets, and rabbits, along with lots of more exotic babies.
Anyone who’s had a pet knows the unbreakable connection that is inevitably built there. That means that you also know what it’s like to lose a pet – devastating. We’re. never ready, even when we can see it coming.
So it’s no wonder why so many people choose to get a paw print tattoo design in memory of their furry friends. Pawprint ideas have more than just this single meaning though!
A paw print can be used as a personal encouragement in tough times. A little way to say “I will move forward”. It’s also relatively common for general animal-lovers to use a paw print to express their appreciation for all furry counterparts.
There are innumerable ways to customize and create your own paw print tattoo. You can choose to do a direct copy of your own pet’s paw, for starters! Your tattoo can be a simple paw, or it can have any type of pattern imaginable.
It can be a single paw, a pair, or several. Your paw print tattoo will be a clear indication of your pet’s memory, or your love and appreciation for man’s best friend. Or maybe you want to tell the world that you can’t be stopped.