Colors come in hundreds of thousands of different shades, some of which pair with certain colors better than they do with others.
Specific colors and shades are naturally appealing to the eye because of color theory. Colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel and appear much different from one another but still look good together are called contrasting colors.
Bright violet and yellow paired in a nail design would be bold and beautiful because violet and yellow are contrasting colors.
Colors that are close to each other on the color wheel are called supplementary colors, and these also look good when paired together, but in a different way.
Using a bright yellow for the majority of a nail design with a more pastel yellow as an accent would be a pleasant way to use supplementary colors.
For a bright nail design that is both bold and beautiful, it’s almost impossible to go wrong when you play with contrasting or supplementary colors.
A nail design with geometric shapes paired with contrasting colors like blue and orange or red and green is artistic and energizing. Keep in mind that certain colors have different effects on us due to color psychology.
The color red is an energizer, orange encourages confidence, and yellow sparks happiness and creativity. The color green promotes healing while blue can promote both peace and calmness.
Use these bits of knowledge when choosing if you want a solid colored nail or an organic design. Just know that your final product will not only be bright and easy on the eyes, it can also have a positive effect on you each day.