A series of roses can say you’re in an extravagant mood and you want it all.
Take your ideas and bring them to vivid life with the right flower tattoo.
Think about the kind of flowers you like best. From poppies to dahlias and forget-me-nots, the world of flowers is entirely open to you. Take a close look at the kind of message you want to send.
A wild rose that spirals in the middle of leaves offers a picture that says you are thinking about someone. A series of tiny flowers on the inside of your wrist can serve as a lovely reminder of your children.
A tulip can speak of spring and brand new beginnings in life. If you’re looking for tattoos that keep it simple, think about the overall design.
A graphic flower tattoo in black lets you say you are someone who admires the basics and admires anything of beauty. The flower that just creeps up one ankle is one way to show off your carefully painted toenails and lets people see your toned calves.
Adding in color is a way to bring out a hint of something that lets your personality shine through while still keeping that design at an understated level.
Putting in a bit of pink or baby blue lets that design stand out while also keeping it on an elemental level.
When you have that design that speaks to where you are in life, you have a path that lets you let out that expression and feel good.
The basic flower is not only easy to wear. It’s a unique reminder of who you are and what you care about.